

Simple Image Gallery Notice: It looks like PHP's 'GD Image Library' is not installed/enabled on your system. Please ask your hosting company to enable/install it.

To redeem a subscription:

  1. Log-into StarTicketing application.
  2. Click Ticket Booking, then "Patron"
  3. Search for patron by last name or telephone number.  Select correct patron.
  4. Click: Redeem Subscription.  - You will then be re-directed to a website where you'll need to  select the correct subscription event name, then performance date/time.
  5. Select tickets for subscription.
  6. Click: Finish to complete subscription order.
  7. Close website and go back to StarTicketing application.


To Print the subscription tickets:

  1. Continuing from Step 3
  2. Click on Patron History and locate order with tickets you just selected. 
  3. Double click order. 
  4. Click: Print tickets.
