This SuperHero/Villain story takes place in the present day and age. Superheroes exist and the city is protected by the Alliance of Justice against super villains and normal criminals alike, but what would it be like to have a useless or inconsequential "super" ability in a world of real heroes? Dave, the protagonist, has the ability to feel into the minds of others and give them a sharp pain similar to an ice cream headache. After starting a support group for similar people Dave and his compatriots are thrust into the roles of unlikely saviors when a new powerful arch-villain abducts and imprisons the Alliance of Justice. With his six other teammates they save the day with their own special abilities to triumph over evil.

PG-13 Mature content, some language may offend, strobe lighting is used and may affect photosensitive viewers.

All tickets are $20.00 which include all taxes, ticket fees and Music Hall Improvement Fund.

Venue: Uxbridge Music Hall