Sell tickets with us

Sell tickets with us

Thank you for choosing Star Ticketing as your ticket vendor.
Please fill in the form below if you would like us to sell tickets for your event or venue and
we will assess your ticketing needs and contact you.
This form is strictly for the setting up of tickets to be sold through our system for either a venue or for an event.  We do not sell tickets to our events or personally owned tickets through this form.  To purchase tickets please click here

(Bolded fields = required field)

Full Name :
Street :
City :
Prov./State :
Country :
Postal Code :
Your E-mail :
Phone # :
Ext # :
Account # :

Best Place/Time to call for information :
Please call me at in the

I am selling tickets for :
Title of upcoming event(s) :
Theatre Venue Name :
Address of Venue :
City :
Province :
Seating Capacity :
Approx. how many tickets will sell in advance? :

What will be your average ticket price? ($) :

Ticket type :
When do you plan on selling your tickets? :
When will the first event take place? :

How many events do you host on an annual basis? :

(max 250 words) :

You must be at least 13 years of age or older to provide us with any information about yourself. 
By submitting this form to us you represent that you are 13 years old or older.